Sunday, May 24, 2009

Then and Now: Will Smith

Will Smith, then:

Will Smith, now:

Aside from the earrings, that first picture could have been taken yesterday for all I know.

What's that you say? It was taken 20 years ago? Well in that case, I'll have what he's having.


nikki said...

Cute then, cute now.

Sadako said...

Agreed. The Willster always looks awesome.

But Alfonso Ribero (Carlton) was even hotter even though the character Carlton was supposed to be a dork. Shirtless Carlton rocks!

Moonjava said...

He's such a cutie! And he really hasn't changed at all! Wow!

floreta said...

yea he's aged well!! the only difference i see is his face looks thinner.. his entire body was scrawnier then

Optimistic Pessimist said...

I love me some will smith!

Muppet Soul said...

The man DOESN'T AGE.

Though I do miss the Will-Smith of yesteryear.

Anonymous said...

Man am I crazy for some will smith. Me and my friends use to have a huge crush on will smith. Still do even though he's married to Jada Pinkett Smith, who is one of my favorite actors.

RED ARROW said...

Wenn ich auch nur ein bisschen Freizeit hätte, würde ich einfach schlafen gehen, denn das ist es, was ich im Leben am meisten brauche.

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