Monday, April 27, 2009

Children of the Nineties' Favorite Things

We don't usually do this sort of thing over here, but out of love for Miss Gidget's blog, I'm willing to make an exception. With a 90s twist, that is.

Fidgeting Gidget tagged me in this meme today, with the following rules:

1. Mention the person who nominated you (above).
2. List six unimportant things that make you happy (I've chosen to supplement the "you" in this piece of the instructions with "children of the 90s,' but you get the general idea).

So without further ado, I present to you 6 things that make children of the 90s happy today:
Sure, it's a bit troubling that the network block that aired black-and-white sitcoms in our youth is now showing Home Improvement and The Fresh Prince, but obviously they've adjusted their retro-meter a bit.

Perfect for listening at work, Pandora is a free online radio service. 90s children can plug in their favorite old groups and Pandora will do the work in recovering similar songs and artists. Just be warned that you may end up with a station embarrassingly entitled something like "Backstreet Boys radio."
I dare you to take one look at this image and not immediately picture yourself sporting a shirt with the above while watching the Full House episode where DJ mistakenly is caught with a beer. Tempting, I know.

4. Oregon Trail iPhone App
What better way to be notified you've died of dysentery than on a 2'' x 3'' screen?

Your favorite childhood shows, now available at a retailer/website near you. If your favorites aren't out there, there are petitions galore on the internet imploring the good people at Nickelodeon and MTV to give us our DVDs.

6. Return of Union Jack Fashion

Okay, so maybe Paris Hilton doesn't specifically embody the fashion sense many of us would like to emulate, but she is wearing that hat. For all of us who saw Spice World multiple times in theaters, this is certainly a promising development.


3. Tag six blogs, state the rules & notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.

A Daily Dose of Dani
Trying to Make it all Work
Buried the Lead
My Life in a Blog


  1. Oh man, this list makes me so happy! Thanks for writing on my blog--I love yours, too!

    That Full House episode always always makes me think of Steph saying, "And those weren't I'm sorry I'm in trouble tears, those were I really didn't do it tears!"

    And aww, Oregon Trail. And yes, I'm so listening to Pandora now.

  2. Nice work!! I think you did that quite well! :)

    Speaking of great Nick you remember Hey Dude?

  3. Why, thank you! Thanks again for tagging me :)

    And of course I remember Hey Dude, it's on the almighty Children of the Nineties master list. I love suggestions though!

  4. Pete & Pete was the absolute bomb! You could do a whole blog on NickTV: Pete & Pete, Hey Dude, Salute Your Shorts, GUTS, Nick Arcade (rule!). Good times.

  5. I'm so excited that Pete & Pete is now on DVD! That made my day.

  6. oh you have sparked a big "do you remember" conversation in my PR class :)
    * trap door
    * johnson and friends (along with who we want to be)
    * mr squiggle
    * round the twist
    * are you afraid of the dark
    * Alex Mac
    * raggy dolls

    Ah much more interesting than working :)

  7. I used to love playing Oregon Trail- computer class was the best class because of it. I had no clue that it was an app on Iphones. I could almost get one just to be able to play again!

    BTW thanks for mentioning me!

  8. I was totally going to say Pete & Pete when you mentioned Nick @ Nite! I'd also kill for some "Hey Dude"...

  9. This blog is a great idea! Reading all these "do you remember's" is bringing me back to my childhood. Ahhh the 90's were a great time!

  10. So my favorite Hey Dude character had to be Brad. She was the coolest guy's girl ever. Ted was a tool, Danny was kind of a wimp...and Ben Stiller's wife and the future Marcia Brady from the Brady Bunch movie was that annoying Melody. Does anyone know if that's out on DVD? I'd totally buy it.

  11. I am so excited you tagged me! And so excited in a nice, wholesome Full House way, not so excited in a Jessi Spano on caffeine pills sort of way! :)

  12. Ok I am doing it right now! I agree with you on the Nick and Nite thing...I was disturbed the first time I saw Full House instead of I Dream of Jeanie...but I got over it.

  13. Oh man, I loved Oregon Trail when I was a kid!!!

  14. Thanks for the tag! I finally got around to doing it, sorry I was out of town then trying to catch up with work.
