Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thank You for Being a Friend, Bea

Today is a sad day for any of you 90s kids who grew up watching the Golden Girls. Bea Arthur died today at the age of 86.

Though she did a great deal of noteworthy theatrical work and was also renowned for her role of Maude in the sitcom of the same name, to us she will always be the sharp-witted Dorothy Zbornak on Golden Girls.

Whoever put together the following Dorothy Zbornak tribute was obviously very taken by their own ability to use all the different transitions available in Microsoft Office, but their heart is in the right place and they certainly chose some gems so I'm willing to overlook their technical shortcomings. Bea Arthur's distinct humor will certainly be missed.

Bea Arthur 1922-2009


  1. I loved her as Dorothy and as Maude (gotta love re-runs). I love how she always played characters who weren't afraid to speak their minds. She will definitely be missed.

  2. I can remember watching Golden Girls for years! It was one of my favorite shows ever. Now watching the reruns will be even more sad. :(

  3. I was so upset when I fould this out....I loved her fiesty character and I actually likened myself to the Dorothy character on GG. I own every season, and I think it's time to break out the best of Dorothy episodes....or, if I just feel like crying, I'll watch the last episode. RIP Bea!

  4. I was surprised to hear this! I used to watch this show when I was a little girl :-(

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

    This makes me sad when I heard it, but she's very accomplished and lived a full satisfying life. I'll always remember her.

  6. aw, I didn't know that...I love Golden Girls. RIP Bea.

  7. Man Golden Girls was the shit. Loved her character Dorothy in the show.

    r.i.p. bea arthur. you will be missed
