Sunday, May 17, 2009

Then and Now: Jennifer Grey

Sometimes, a little plastic surgery isn't such a bad thing. In fact, many of our favorite celebrities have subtly enhanced their looks and their careers lived to tell about it.

Unfortunately, Jennifer Grey was not among them.

Known for her roles in Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Jennifer Grey had a unique look and was applauded for not adhering to the cookie-cutter Hollywood ideal of beauty. She wasn't afraid to wear her decidedly Semitic looks on her sleeve, or in her case, on her face. Audiences related to her as someone who appeared normal and down-to-earth.



A lesson for all of you aspiring stars out there: if you ever became famous for a distinctive look, don't undergo multiple rhinoplasties to forever doom your chances of being recognized by your once-adoring fans. I can understand going incognito, but this is just a tad over the edge.

Backed into a corner of media scrutiny, Jennifer Grey suffered major career losses and faded into semi-obscurity.

That's right, I said it. Somebody put Baby in a corner.*

*I'm sorry. It was just too easy. I'll understand if you feel the need to cringe/groan inwardly re: taking cheap shots. Just be glad I didn't couple it with a "she had the time of her life" reference. Well, now I sort of did. Please accept my condolences.

Thanks to Sadako for the "Then and Now" topic suggestion!


  1. Great use of a cheesy line : )

  2. I said that alot, hahaha yeah yeah cringe some more people, the line is EPIC

  3. I was waiting for the corner line... she was so much cuter before!

  4. I for one found the baby line pretty funny.

  5. Hehe--thank you for taking my suggestion!

    I agree--she was way cuter before. And Dirty Dancing will always be my ultimate in guilty pleasures.

  6. Oh my - I'm feeling a need to watch this movie now! It is in my Top 5, I'm pretty sure. :)
    And good use of the line, it was absolutely necessary! This is a fun idea - I hope you do more "Then and Now"'s crazy how people change!

  7. i never knew she was in ferris bueller's day off lol

  8. Just now saw that you've gotten it already, but you've once again gotten the "One Lovely Blog" award : )

  9. Obsessed with Dirty Dancing. Her plastic surgery was one of the worst ever!

  10. poor thing... has she done anything since dirty dancing?

  11. I heard that she went in for minor rhinoplasty, but the doc was nuts and did her whole face (it kind of seems that way).

    Either way, it's sad. She should have kept the endearing schnoz.

  12. The first time I saw her after her surgery and someone said that was Baby from Dirty Dancing, I was like "NO, IT'S NOT!!" ...tsk, tsk Jennifer!

  13. its not a big change except the botox

  14. I remember when she did this and I still don't understand why she did it!

    p.s. I LOVE that line: Nobody puts baby in the corner.

    I make Mike say it to me all the time!

  15. I'm just catching up on what I missed while I was gone, and I am still laughing at the use of that line....

    I agree, one of the worst schnozz jobs ever.

  16. I was just thinking about her!

    I was re-watching the Friends DVD where she guest stars and it made me sad...

    She was so cute before, approachable! She just looks like the human embodiment of vanity now..

  17. Jennifer Grey looks a lot better now, me thinks.
