Thursday, June 11, 2009

Breaking 90s News: Saved by the Bell Reunion on the Horizon?

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On Monday evening, Mark-Paul Gosselaar (my favorite dual-apostle named 90s star) appeared on Jimmy Fallon's late night talk show in full Zach Morris get-up, blond wig and all. You have to admire his ability to stay in character when that character was retired a decade and a half earlier. Despite a few easily botox-able forehead lines, you would swear we were back in 1992 watching Zach address the audience by speaking directly into the camera, calling a time-out and freezing his surroundings, and belting out Zach Attack's "Friends Forever" with the Roots.

Gosselaar even pulled out his trademark oversized first-generation cell phone to confirm Jessie Spano wanted to get in on the action. Just when it seemed this franchise had been milked for all it was worth, it seems possible a reunion could be in store.

So the question is, will his castmates set aside their undeserved pride and so-called artistic integrity? It's tough to follow up presitigious roles like EXTRA host and being completely unlikeable on Celebrity Fit Club. Hell, Ed Alonzo (magician Max of The Max) was a performer on my cruise ship a few years back, so I can't imagine these former Baysiders' agents' phones are ringing off their respective hooks.

While I'm not much of a Fallon fan, I certainly admire his commitment to restoring early 90s excellence in cheesy television programming. As long as I don't have to watch Gosselaar's new TNT lawyer drama (I'm generally opposed any MPG brunet roles on principle), we should be golden.

Check it out:
MTV article about MPG's appearance
Starpulse's follow-up interview with MPG


  1. Yay! this makes me so unbelievably happy. Huzzah for a reunion!

  2. this is what I keep hearing about!! I have been under a rock this week. Ohhhh Zack Morris, I love you so. I had a poster of him on my wall. haha.

  3. awesome! haha wow he looks the same that was great 90's!

  4. I would love to see a reunion...I'm a saved by the bell junkie. I totally agree with you, I can't stand that show on TNT...I gave it a chance and it sucks. Keep us posted on the reunion.

  5. My friend told me her little sister is actually saying a prayer every night before going to bed that the reunion happens :)
    I have such a deep, abiding love for this show. Thank you, Jimmy Fallon, thank you.

  6. Great blog! Yay for a reunion .x.

  7. I may be exiling myself here, but... I'm not too excited by this. Probably because I (gasp) never watched it as a kid.

    I wonder if Screech could still fit into a locker.

  8. Although I loved him, I never knew how talented he was. Mark Paul, you are a genius!

    And I'm like you... not a fan of Jimmy Fallon but the one thing he's doing right is creating a younger show by incorporating OUR past times.

  9. haha!!! you've gotta love his guts. So hilarious.

  10. I love Saved By The Bell! I did a Flashback Friday on it not too long ago :) I think the bit on Jimmy Fallon was awesome! Hehe

  11. Oh I would die. But, did his head grow?

  12. They better do it! As you said...i don't think they have much going on at the moment.

  13. I am so excited for this, even tho I think Screech (Dustin Diamond) is a total douche now!: )

  14. Wow, that's totally bizarre. I need to start DVRing Jimmy Fallon's show if he's going to be doing stuff like this!

  15. I know you said that Fallon wasn't really your fav but I'm going to just tell you how I feel. I freaking adore Jimmy Fallon! This is just one of the reasons why! He'll be able to get the others because he only has Kelly and Screech left. Everyone else has agreed to return! I just can't wait!
