Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Momentous Day...

Today was a momentous day in Children of the 90s history: I got my first celebrity comment from someone about whom I wrote a post. Well, at least as far as I know. Who knows if any rogue Furbies have been lurking in my midst.

That's right, folks, you read it here. Twitter verified. Brad from LFO did indeed leave me a comment on my post about, well, LFO. As is fitting. (PS, they're going on tour! If you're into that kind of thing. Check it out here. While you're there, feel free to stop by.)

Of course I do a lot of jabbing and mocking around here, but let me just say that no matter how hard of a time I give you I will always be incredibly starstruck and/or in awe if you choose to respond. That said, I'd like to issue a call to any other 90s-era celebrities who may be reading this right now. Don't be afraid. Come forth from the woodwork. I am willing to offer any sort of shameless plug or promotion for whatever you happen to be pushing now. All you have to do is ask.


  1. Oh, I saw. And squealed like I was in Junior High again! Man, LFO was THE thing back then.

  2. Awesome!!

    Thanks for entering the contest. I love wearing bikini coverups at lunch by the beach too!

  3. that was incredible, I so hope more 90's celebs show up. Do you have any clue how bad I would get made fun of in real life for saying that hah!

  4. I saw the comment! Brilliant! I want a celeb to comment on my blog toooo!!

  5. How fun.

    I thought of you the other day. Wilson Cruz from My So Called Life will be starring in a local production of tick, tick, Boom.

    When I heard the radio announcer mention this fact, I thought of your blog and had I forgotten about that show until your posting.

  6. when i heard a celebrity commented on your blog i was really hoping it was sassy from homeward bound.

    brad is ok too, i guess...

  7. How funny! I hope more 90's celebs do come out of the woodwork...how great would that be!?! :)

  8. Holy mother! You're the shiz!

    You always have been but now you're legit!

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