Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Independence Day, Children of the 90s

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I hope all you children of the 90s are out there enjoying your 4th of July weekend. And to all of my non-American readers, I hope you're enjoying our ethnocentric view of the world. Still going strong.

In the spirit of US Independence day, I present to you the following clip from the 1996 blockbuster hit, Independence Day. Let's just hope this July 4th goes a bit better than that one.

What a great tie-in, right? Too bad President Bill Pullman's prophecy of July 4th becoming a world-wide celebration of independence from tyranny and oppression didn't come to fruition. Then again, we never had to battle evil aliens. I guess all in all, it's sort of a wash.

If that's not enough of a 90s fix to hold you over until Monday's full post, then by all means please enjoy this clip from Eddie Izzard's 1998 show, Dress to Kill. It's one of my favorites. Though it doesn't speak to independence per se, he does teach Americans a thing or two about their own gloriously self-serving colonialism.*

Have a great weekend, everyone!

*Sure, if we want to splice atoms here, those colonists were technically British at the time. However, as I once taught high school AP US History, I give myself a free pass on factual bendiness. It came with my teaching certificate


  1. 1993 baby here!
    it's funny, I'm from Nigeria, but I grew up in he states and tsill love the 4th of july.

  2. I did so enjoy Will Smith smokin' some alien arse back in the day. Ahhhhhhhh, memories.

  3. I totally remember that movie. I have it on VHS, haha. Wow, it's been a while!

  4. And that was the moment I fell in love with Bill Pullman's husky voice...

  5. I always liked the part where is beats down the alien and says, "Welcome to earth."

    That is the best part of the movie. The rest? Meh.

  6. omg i thought will smith was gorgous in this movie and i love how weird jeff goldblum is!!

  7. I think Independance Day sealed the deal ont he crush that Jurrasic Park started.

  8. Sweet patriotic post!

    Love the movie "Independence Day"...

    Hope you had a fab 4th!


  9. Oh, how I covet that hat. Or is that just my gloriously self-serving colonialism speaking?
