Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Please Excuse This Interruption From Your Regularly Scheduled Children of the 90s Programming

A self-portrait minus the blonde hair and innumerable bike tire tracks up and down my legs

A quick explanation for the incredibly brief blog hiatus:

So, you know how when you're a kid, you really want crutches? Like, they seem really cool and you wish you could have all of the attention and cast-signing privileges awarded to your less graceful?

Turns out it's not quite as idyllic as I'd once imagined.

Let me set the scene for you. I'm bicycling in the Amish countryside with my parents (yeah, I did that, just deal with it) and I am really getting into it. I haven't ridden a bike since my ill-fated 5th grade arm-breakage, but I'd decided to give it another go.

As I'd become so astonishingly skillful at biking, I was far ahead and riding solo when I saw a small child of maybe 6 or 7 crying and struggling to keep up with his mom while biking. Like any self-entitled child of the 2000s, this allegedly innocent kid splats straight down in the middle of the path. Like any good conscientious and kind-hearted child of the 90s, I swerved in an effort to avoid running over him.

This was obviously a big mistake, resulting in 6 hours in the hospital, a broken ankle, and innumerable capsules of high-intensity pain medication. We're talking the hard stuff here. In my gimpish and unintentionally whacked-out-on-pain-meds state, I was unable to fulfill my duty of completing this morning's post.

As I am at the airport. Alone. On crutches. Can't walk. Giant bag. All sorts of fun.

Have no fear, though the use of heavy pain medication will ensue, I will be back in full blogging form later this week. Bye now, I'm off to butt-scoot up the stairs. No really, it's gonna be awesome. I appreciate your concern.


  1. Ugh. Sounds painful. Have a safe flight and rest that ankle!

  2. Get some rest. And some booze... just saying...

  3. You should get a neon 90's green cast and let us all sign it.

    Keep poppin those pills!

  4. Aww, that sounds like the complete opposite of loads of fun. Travel safe, take your meds, and get weel soon.

  5. Oh wow I'm so sorry, i hope it'll be less painful for you as the time goes by. Looking forward to you blogging again :)

  6. Ugh, I'm sorry girl!
    Next time just run over the little entitled brat! : )

  7. Hope you're back in commission soon!

  8. That sucks! Take care of that ankle. We'll all still be here when you get back.


  9. Feel better real soon!! :] Those darn 2000 kids...

  10. Uh oh! That REALLY sucks! I was one of those kids that WANTED crutches, until I had them. THEN I hated them!

    Get better soon!

  11. Oh no!

    I hope you feel better soon!

    And was it wrong of me to chuckle a bit while reading your post about your pain? You made it all rather comical!

    PS - I agree, get some booze.... Even though you aren't suppose to take it with pain killers...

  12. Feel better, so sorry about your accident!

  13. Ugh - those ungrateful kids nowadays!

    But seriously, hope you feel better soon! And I think this non-post counts as a post, so you're fine.

  14. Do you need me to sue someone for you? Because that is what I do.

  15. Oh no!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon! Get some rest! :) xoxo

  16. sucks!! oooh those wobbly child bikers, shouldnt be out on the road - *mutter moan grumble*
    get well soon! :) x

  17. omg, I'm so sorry. That totally sucks!! Hang in there!

  18. Oh no! I'm so sorry...hope you feel better soon.
    And as for butt-scooting up stairs...perhaps that's the way to go. Less change of falling and breaking more bones. Perhaps I'll start doing that as I'm terrified of breaking a bone now that I'm training for the NYC marathon.

  19. Oh my gosh - I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle! Thank goodness for those painkillers! I hope you feel better and heal soon :-)

  20. Rest and get well...and watch some awesome '90s sitcoms while you recover!

  21. Ouch! That stinks! Here's to hoping you have a speedy recovery... you know, as speedy as broken ankles can be...

  22. Those kids of the 2000s, why can't they cry out the way?

    Get better soon. Maybe watch Save by the Bell or Are You Afraid of the Dark....Seinfield? Party of Five?

  23. Aww, it's those damn 2000s kids! They take us down every time! Hope you're feeling better soon :)

  24. I'm an '80s kid. Does this mean we can relate to each other only about things that happened in 1990? When the '90s kicked in, I sort of let go very quickly already.

  25. That sucks big time. Sorry dear.
