Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Children of the 90s Update

Hello loyal readers!

After I received my 10th or so fan email today (thank you, by the way!) asking if I was shutting down Children of the 90s, I thought I'd take a minute to address it on the blog. First, thanks to all of my readers who have been concerned over the less frequent posts as of late. Don't worry, Children of the 90s isn't going anywhere--I still have plenty of great topics to cover (or you can email your suggestions to me directly at

It seems, though, that I can no longer keep up with the pace of daily posts. Instead, you should expect to see something in the neighborhood of weekly or twice-weekly new posts. I recently moved, started a new job, and got involved in some new projects and can't devote the same attention to daily postings. I will, however, still be writing new posts at least weekly, so check back often! Thanks to everyone for your questions and emails--I always appreciate hearing from readers. Feel free to drop any future topic suggestions in the comment section!


  1. Completely understandable!! Glad to hear your not shutting down Children of the 90's because this is one of my all-time favorite blogs! I'll check back often for updates! Good luck with the new job, the new place, & all your projects! =)

  2. I was amazed by your earlier daily postings... I didn't know how you did it. Glad you're not shutting down! This is one of my favorite blogs.

  3. The daily posts will certainly be missed, but I can absolutely understand! I never knew how you did it to begin with, but you do realize you spoiled us!

  4. I'll miss your daily posting but I'm glad your not shutting down completely.

  5. So glad you're not shutting down the blog! Weekly/twice-weekly posts are definitely welcome. Good luck with all of your new projects!

  6. I'm glad you're not shutting down your blog too. Yours is one of the few I actually frequent. Awesome stuff on here.

  7. You stupid lazy whore. You're typical of children of your generation. No work ethic. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  8. She is awesome. Don't hate.

  9. Don't hate if you aren't even man (or woman) enough to sign your name.....

    As for cutting back, take care of yourself first. We all love reading your work, but you are FULLY expected to have a life!

  10. Pfft Never listen to anon comments. They are just trying to stir up trouble...

    I'm glad to hear you aren't closing your blog down. I can completely understand you not being able to keep up with daily posts. We move in to different stages of our life when we have to decide what to keep up with and what needs to drop back a little.

    I will look forward to your weekly posts. :)

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