Because most of us aren't Olympic-caliber athletes and will never earn multimillion dollar contracts with professional sports franchises, the underdog story tends to speak to us on a personal level. When it does, it's saying something like, "You may not be talented, but with this level of drive and determination you can outshine all of those people with legitimate athletic ability." It's like a small way of keeping the dream alive. As a child you may have fantasized about playing in the NBA or being an Olympic gold-medal gymnast, but when puberty ended and you were either 5'1'' or 6''7 respectively, you may have had to adjust your dreams slightly. Actually, the short guy might have just wanted to trade with the tall guy, and you may have been gone on to great success in living out the other's wildest calisthenic desires.
The underdog story strikes a special chord with all of us, regardless of how successful we are in our current endeavors. At one point or another, every one of us has had at least a brief taste of hopelessness and self doubt. If our lives worked like the movies, we would see these feelings as our cue to grow and learn and eventually beat out our anonymously evil opponent, but unfortunately real life doesn't play out that way. That's precisely what makes the theme so attractive to us in film: it gives us a sliver of hope that we may someday achieve our indefinitely improbable dream.
Who doesn't like to root for the underdog? I once almost won the jackpot in a March Madness pool by picking a solid lineup of underdogs. At the time, I had no knowledge of college basketball, so I based my strategy solely on my knowledge of cheesy, heartwarming sports cinema. For awhile, it was really working for me, too. If only things had ended up as well for the teams I'd chosen as they had for say, the Mighty Ducks, I would have been a temporarily rich woman.
While not always probable, these stories help us get through the hard times. Or at the very least, they test our crying reflexes. Some of these warrant a full Kleenex multi-pack. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I still love The Ladybugs and Little Giants! I think I need to see Rudy, though. Sean Astin spoke at my school last semester and everyone was going crazy about Rudy. As far as I knew, his film credits ended with The Goonies and LOTR.
I found out that Bitty Schram (Sharona on Monk) was the crying woman in League of their Own. That's gotta be an awesome role to put on the resume. "I was the no crying player!"
I too was born in '85 (& grew up in Houston). I was in LOVE with Little Giants & Devon Sawa! I had his posters all on the inside door of my closet. : )
A league of their own is still one of my favorite movies.. Looking back I am surprised at some of the things that were in there and our parents let us watch it! Amazing how the young mind misses things. Oh and loved little Giants too. Great movie!
I don't care that it's old and dated but The Cutting Edge is still one of my all time favourite movies. In fact, while watching figure skating the other night, I yelled at the TV "do the Pamechenko!"
And, the Mighty Ducks? Josh Jackson. Sigh. The Flying V is awesome-the most underused offense move in my mind. What I would give to see someone break that out in the NHL....
Great post, great movies! Mighty Ducks, League of Their Own, Little Giants, Rudy... I may be completely unathletic, but I love me some 90s underdog sports movies.
That's surprising The Might Ducks has such a low rating on Rotten Tomatoes, considering there's an NHL hockey team that took up the name in the short years after the movie came out...
Where's Cool Runnings on this list? Growing up, I loved that one! And you can't get anymore underdog than a group of Jamaicans competing in the Winter Olympic Bobsled races! The fact it's based on a true story is even more inspiring too... I have an urge to watch this one every time the Olympics are on =)
I still love The Ladybugs and Little Giants!
I think I need to see Rudy, though. Sean Astin spoke at my school last semester and everyone was going crazy about Rudy. As far as I knew, his film credits ended with The Goonies and LOTR.
I found out that Bitty Schram (Sharona on Monk) was the crying woman in League of their Own. That's gotta be an awesome role to put on the resume. "I was the no crying player!"
Great post as usual.
hoops dreams might be the best documentary made in the 90's.
I too was born in '85 (& grew up in Houston). I was in LOVE with Little Giants & Devon Sawa! I had his posters all on the inside door of my closet. : )
A league of their own is still one of my favorite movies.. Looking back I am surprised at some of the things that were in there and our parents let us watch it! Amazing how the young mind misses things. Oh and loved little Giants too. Great movie!
I loved "Little Giants," when I was a kid, and "The Sandlot," and "The Mightly Ducks," are awesome as well.
I don't care that it's old and dated but The Cutting Edge is still one of my all time favourite movies. In fact, while watching figure skating the other night, I yelled at the TV "do the Pamechenko!"
And, the Mighty Ducks? Josh Jackson. Sigh. The Flying V is awesome-the most underused offense move in my mind. What I would give to see someone break that out in the NHL....
I have such a soft spot in my heart for most of these movies.
Mighty Ducks, Cutting Edge, League of Their Own, Ladybugs, even Little Giants!
I was recently at a minor league hockey game and kept yelling at the team: "flying V!" and "quack quack quack!" It amused me to no end.
Great post, great movies! Mighty Ducks, League of Their Own, Little Giants, Rudy... I may be completely unathletic, but I love me some 90s underdog sports movies.
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That's surprising The Might Ducks has such a low rating on Rotten Tomatoes, considering there's an NHL hockey team that took up the name in the short years after the movie came out...
Where's Cool Runnings on this list? Growing up, I loved that one! And you can't get anymore underdog than a group of Jamaicans competing in the Winter Olympic Bobsled races! The fact it's based on a true story is even more inspiring too... I have an urge to watch this one every time the Olympics are on =)
Ray J, you are totally right. I knew I was forgetting something! I'll have to do a full Cool Runnings post. I love that movie!
I loved young Devon Sawa in Little Giants
I'm always for the underdog.
That's why I love the Leafs.
I love watching The cutting edge, even though it's predictable but DB Sweeney makes it worth it
Rudy's brother was my high school gym teacher in New Lenox, IL. Needless to say, he was INTENSE. Never saw the movie, though.
Great choice of movies. It agrees with my pick of essential underdog movies, which I find in this list.
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