So, I have a confession to make. Since we've all been being honest and doing lots of sharing here at Children of the 90s this week, I guess I'll just lay it out straight for you. I had every intention of putting up a full post for today, but you ever-patient readers are going to have to wait till Monday. I just can't contain my excitement over the criminally nostalgic stash of 90sness I've assembled for my 500 follower celebratory giveaway. I've put in what can only be described as an insane amount of effort into amassing some 90s goodies, and this level of personal time investment can't be reduced to just a link at the bottom of a post. I can only hope you all like the 90s gift basket I've assembled half as much as I do. If you don't, I'm a bit worried I might end up keeping it myself.
I love giveaways and I've thought a lot about doing one of my own, but the timing never seemed quite right. Until now, that is, when I had a day off brimming with spare time to search far and wide for the most memorable 90s items still available. It wasn't easy; most of the stuff we get all glassy-eyed about over here no longer graces the shelves at our favorite stores. The new versions of many of our favorite toys pale in comparison. And the ones that don't (I'm looking at you, awesome new Bop It) are out of my giveaway price range.
That said, I think you are going to get pretty pumped over the giveaway fruits of my 90s searching labors. I live right by one of the largest used bookstores in the country, so imagine my delight to find just how many awesome authentic items were available at my fingertips in like-new condition. Granted, it's hard to come by mint editions of these items, and I'm all about health and safety and not getting sued so I'm going to forego the discontinued foods route. Nope, what I've put together is a fun little cross section of 90s childhood, conveniently packaged and delivered to your doorstep. Assuming you win, that is.
Just to give you an idea of what I went through to bring you this superior childhood nostalgia-themed givewaway, imagine the reaction of a checkout employee when they see you bounding toward the register with the following items in tow. The Half-Price Books cashier was pretty cool, he looked to be maybe a few years older than me. He definitely gave me the single raised eyebrow (a talent I have yet to achieve) and asked, "So...are these for you?" I wish I was better at real-life self promotion, in which case I would have responded brightly, "No, they're for a super reader giveaway at my always-growing 90s themed website! Come check it out!" Instead I mumbled, "," and busied myself searching in my purse.
To the credit of my selections though, they definitely met the approval of my cashier. He waxed poetic about the virtues of Goosebumps and Choose Your Own Adventure books, calling them "kick-ass" and giving me a great in to tell him all about Children of the 90s. Luckily for all of you, I was too embarrassed from coming to the register with a heaping armload of 90s children's items, so that means a better chance of winning for all of you! I'm sure if I've been wearing one of our soon-to-exist Children of the 90s T-shirts, though, it would have made an easy and less embarrassing segue into explanation of my purchases. Keep an eye out here, because these shirts are coming. Soonish.
Here's how it works: to gain one entry into the Children of the 90s Nostalgia-Fest 2010 Giveaway, simply comment below and mention which of the items you'd be most excited about winning. Remember, they're all a package deal, but I'm curious to see how my choices go over. To gain a second entry into the giveaway, become a follower on Blogger and let me know in your comment. For a third, become a Facebook fan and drop a note in the comments. For the fourth and final available entry, let me know if you've tweeted or blogged about the giveaway. It just that easy!
One last thing: due to my meager paycheck-induced poverty, I have yet to replace my now-broken digital camera. I was able to find images of all of the items online, but none are the actual images of the items. I promise, though, they do exist, and they all look almost exactly like the photos Google images was sweet enough to round up for me. I think that's about it for the fine print. Without further ado, I present to you...(*drumroll*) the contents of the first ever Children of the 90s Nostalgia Fest giveaway! (*resounding applause*)
All this could be yours!
Disney Magic Eye
Milk Moustache Mania
Goosebumps: My Hairiest Adventure
Help! I'm Trapped in My Teacher's Body
BSC Super Special #11: The Baby-Sitters Remember

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul
Magic Grow Capsules:
Rainbow Nerds
Lisa Frank Sticker Dreams piece de resistance:
Don't forget to read the above rules to maximize your entries :) The giveaway will close Wednesday, February 17. Good luck! Comment below to indicate your entries.
I wasn't sure if they needed to be in seperate comments or not to greater the chance of winning, so I'm going to do it that way just in case. First of all, I would be most excited about winning the DVD of Pete & Pete! That was one of my favorite shows, and getting a tattoo of Petunia would be one of the coolest things someone could do.
I have been a long time follower!
I have also been a Facebook fan for quite some time now. :D
And last but not least, I tweeted about this great give away.
I'd be most excited to win the Disney Magic Eye book. I was born in Plantation, Florida in 1984, moving about three years later to Casselberry, Florida, so close to Orlando that my parents and I (two years before my sister was born, but we still did this after she arrived) actually went to Walt Disney World every weekend and sometimes during the week just for dinner.
In the midst of this, I was a huge Disney nut. Still am, but not to the extent I was back then. I loved getting the free Mickey-as-the-Sorcerer's-Apprentice figurine with the PB&J sandwiches at The Land pavilion at EPCOT (I had a big bucket of toys in my room and those figurines made up 40% of my stock). I loved Main Street U.S.A. at the Magic Kingdom, with the candy shop and the other souvenir stores that emitted pure Disney love. I fondly remember sitting in my stroller in Tomorrowland, watching Mickey and Minnie in space costumes on stage at the Galaxy Palace Theater, which was torn down some time ago in favor of more employee parking and a Stitch stage show with newly-built stage that flopped anyway and closed.
At home in Casselberry, everything in our house was Disney-related. On a wall in the living room were Mickey and Minnie-shaped mirrors, we had a Mickey lamp, and my bedsheets were of Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy all in a big balloon. Books were most important too, lots of Disney ones, including easy reading ones which I still kept even after I moved on to more advanced books, such as John Grisham in 3rd grade, which actually caused my teacher to call my parents in for a conference because he was concerned about me reading at a level far above my classmates. Go figure.
When the Magic Eye craze began, I bought all the books related to it, and was especially excited when the Disney ones came out. I loved how, out of all the big pop culture bonanzas they could turn into Magic Eye pictures, they brought out Disney characters first.
I miss going to Disney World often, and I also miss the time when the husband of a friend of my Mom's worked for Kodak and actually got VHS releases of Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King weeks and weeks ahead of time, and sent us copies. I loved the new refrigerator smell of the plastic clamshell box, and wondered ever so briefly how many times these tapes could be played before they began to be worn out. Then I began counting after putting those tapes into the machine for the first time, the second time, the 33rd time, the 48th time.
God, to be a 90s kid and go to Walt Disney World all the time. For me, there was no greater heaven than that.
Ok, I'll take a second and third entry.
Second: I became a Facebook fan.
Third: I became a Follower.
Best cult I ever joined. :)
Also, the only reason I didn't post from my Blogger account is because I have that name as "The Writer Currently Known as Rory," and for my own blog entries, I like to keep it that way. When I comment on other blogs, the full name and a link to my blog suffice.
Two things to add:
1) "Aladdin" was the other tape sent to us. I'm ashamed for not mentioning that, because I rewound to and replayed the "Friend Like Me" number over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
2) Though the obsessive Disney World visits did begin in 1987, they lasted through the early
'90s, and I remember those later visits more than the earlier ones.
I'd be most excited about Pete& Pete. I would have said the BSC book, but I think I might have that one already :)
Also, I've been a google and FB follower for a while now. And I just tweeted about your giveaway.
I'm a follower and my husband would love Pete & Pete while I would love the magic capsules and the nerds :)
Most excited about the Goosebumps one b/c I LOVE goosebumps and haven't been able to find that book.
i'm already a follower, dono if that counts.
and im tweeting about it.
I did all four!
I would love to win the BSC book! I'm a member of the bsc_snark ( community on LiveJournal and I love those books in a sarcastic AND genuine way :)
I just became a follower! (I was also already subscribing through RSS/Google Reader.)
I tweeted about it here:
And I just became a Facebook fan!
Oh man, the Lisa Frank stickers and the Pete & Pete DVD made me nostalgia big time!!! I loved Lisa Frank when I was in elementary school, and Pete & Pete were so awesome! All of the prizes are so great! I just retweeted (@KatlynIra) your blog entry, and I'm a fan on Facebook! <3
Sweet! I am most excited about the Lisa Frank stickers...they were the centerpieces of my sticker collection in elementary school and continued to grace my trapper keeper in middle school. I still use my Lisa Frank pencil case at home haha!
I also blogged about the contest, but sadly I can't access facebook/twitter from work.
Pete and Pete!!!
Pete and Pete, for sure!
Also, I can't quite figure Blogger out, but I believe I'm already a follower. And I'm already a fan on Facebook, of course. And I just retweeted your tweet about it. Covering all my bases because I want that Pete and Pete DVD!
I'm most excited about the BSC SS#11. I read those books to death and frequently check out BSC snark.
Also...I tweeted about your contest. @supervix
Honestly, the Lisa Frank stickers. I heart stickers so hard!!
I'm also a follower
been a FB fan for a while and
totally retweeted your info.
I would definitely be most interested in the BSC book. I used to own about a hundred of them, and like an idiot, I gave them all away when I was in high school. To have at least one back would be awesome! Thanks!
Also, I am a follower!
OH MY GOD, the Lisa Frank stickers would make my year. I love old-school Lisa Frank. Just looking at them makes me flash back to school supply shopping in my elementary school years.
Oh, and I'm a long-time follower :D
Oh, forgot to add -- I'm following your blog too =]
SQUEE!! Well, obviously I'd be stoked to have any of those fine prizes, but I have a delicious vision in my mind's eye of decorating various items on my desk and around my office with milk mustache stickers. And, naturally, The Baby-Sitters Remember would send me on a glorious trip down Memory Lane, back to a time when I yearned for a "sophisticated perm" like Stacey's. Sigh!
...Oh, and I've been a follower on Blogger for quite some time...
...And a Facebook follower for the better part of three months now...
...And I just posted about this giveaway on my blog. 4 for 4! Wheee! Thanks for always giving me a delightful nostalgic glimpse into my childhood with my morning coffee every day.
Magic Eye book and rainbow nerds. Awesome idea.
1. I think I'm most excited about the Magic Eye book and the Lisa Frank stickers! I'm going back to school in the fall and I think it would be AMAZING if I could decorate the inside of my notebooks with some Lisa Frank nostalgia.
2. I am a fan on facebook.
3. I am now a follower. =)
I'd most want either the magic grow things or the Nerds... Because that's me. I either grow really fast or I'm a tiny purple... thing.
I just retweeted your post about this on Twitter! My Twitter name is mlsterben.
I would die. I have a small collection of those books that I refuse to get rid of. I read that one so much that I'm pretty sure it fell apart. I was particularly moved by the chapter where stacy talks about her diabetes. And I remember being really impressed with Shannon's chapter. Since she was an associate member, she never got explained I remember liking that a lot.She was always too consumed at Stoneybrook Day Academy.
I have been a long time, loyal follower.
I have also been a facebook fan for a while.
Oh my goodness, don’t laugh but I’d soooo love the BBC book (would love to just read for old times sake, ha), and the Lisa Frank stuff. I was obsessed with that stuff!!! :)
I am a follower of course!
And I am going to become a fan on Facebook :)
Oh my goodness I don't know which one to choose!! BSC use to be my favorite books to read but I'm kinda digging the Pete & Pete DVD
I follow your blog!
My excitement is pretty close between the magic eye and the dvd of Pete and Pete. How cool is all this stuff you found. Thanks for the giveaway!
And I am already a follower on blogger and am about to become one on facebook.
This is like by far the awesomest giveaway ever!!! I would love the Magic Grow Capsules & Pete & Pete!!!
I'm a follower too!! I <3 your blog!!
I hope one comment is okay... I'm a follower and a Facebook fan. I tweeted and will also post a link on my blog (just for fun).
AAAAAND, I would most look forward to the Lisa Frank stickers. Seriously. Because I used to love Lisa Frank. I just re-started school and I think what's been missing from my notebooks all through college and grad school is stickers. Of unicorns.
I've been a follower of your blog since I first started blogging!! This blog is THE BEST EVER!!
I'm super psyched about the Disney Magic Eye. I used to spend hours doing those. Also - I already follow you on blogger and am a Facebook fan. Does that count for 2 more entries?
Congrats on the 500 followers...that's quite a milestone!
I've been a follower on blogger for a while now...I'll go look for you on facebook and fan you there as well.
As for my's got to be the Disney Magic Eye. It's a love-hate relationship. I love Disney and I love/hate the magic eye as I always struggled to make them work...but I'd love to try again. :)
I'm following on Blogger and Facebook, and of course leaving a comment!
I am excited for Rainbow Nerds, because nothing gets me going in the morning like a few ounces of pure sugar! Woo!
Rainbow Nerds!! Woohoo!!!
Pete & Pete.
Enough said.
holy freakin crap this is awesome, i can't pick one thing i'm most excited about. i want them all so i can show my little brothers (all born in the 2000's) how awesome the 90's were and that our toys and books were totally badass :)
I love this giveaway!
My favorite is by far "The Babysitter's Club"! I was obsessed with the books growing up!
I am also a proud follower!
And I am also a fan on Facebook!
All of these are awesome, but the one I'd be most jazzed about is the BSC Super Special "Babysitters Remember." These were my favorite series growing up, I used to copy Stacy's handwriting and dot my i's with hearts to try and be cool like her. I loved the pictures in this superspecial bc it gave me a sense of what the girls really "looked like" haha. I remember the Stacy entry the most, with her diabetes coming in to play; I remember feeling so bad for her when she peed her bed at the "cool" girls sleepover party...ahhh. I loved this book, bought it in Ft. Lauderdale, and re-read it a zillion times growing up. Sadly have no idea where it is these days.
Oh my lord PETE AND PETE! that would be amazing. I would LOVE ot.
also, the BSC would be great...
I tweeted (vanessasteck) and facebooked and followed ;)
I'm pretty sure that I was one of your first 100 followers. I absolutely love your site and all things 90s! I love looking back at all the things I grew up with. I am so excited that you are doing a giveaway that includes a BSC book. I read on a blog and in the New York Times that Ann. M. Martin is going to start writing BSC books again. This time though the characters or the kids they babysat for will be grown up and about our age. I also found out that the BSC books arent in print anymore =( Makes me wish I had not sold them at a garage sale about 5 years ago!
All of the prizes would be exciting to win!
Anyways Ive been reading for a long time and I dont think I ever commented you.
Keep up the great site! =)
I think I read every BSC book available, but I would be stoked to get the Milk Moustace book - each one reminds me of who was popular at what time (Dixie Chicks? 8th grade? YES!!).
And of course I'm already a follower on Blogger!
I've been following you for awhile on Blogger. Just tweeted and joined your Facebook page today.
The Lisa Frank stickers are the items I am most excited about. All my friends had them when I was growing up and my Dad was always kind enough to help feed my sticker addiction. Seeing that picture brought back a lot of fond memories.
This is freakin awesome!!!
1.) I'm def. a follower
2.) I'm most excited for the BabySitter's Club book because I was a groupie for them when I was younger and who wouldn't be excited for Pete & Pete!? :)
I so, so, so, so, so want Pete and Pete. Nostalgia at its finest.
Also, I am a recent follower but true fan. Its always fun to reminisce and your daily use of SAT words does not make me dumber :)
The grow capsules! I LOVED those as a kid.
I'm gonna go find me some now.
For one of my entries for this "rad" giveaway- I have been a follower of your blog on my Google Reader RSS for a while now- but wanted to put this as an entry! Thanks!
Well, it is certainly hard to choose which of these memory inducing items would be the most awesome, but I was a huge 'Goosebump' & 'Baby Sitters Club' fan, I'd like to think that's what made me become an English major ( ha ha!) But, I've also always had a soft spot for Lisa Frank and collected all the stickers and folders as a child, and I must say I'm pretty jazzed that they are becoming popular again w/ this generation's "tween" population.
Anyways, good choices for this giveaway- any true 90's fan would be thrilled to receive it! Thanks for consideration!
~Cassie (
Okay- for the 3rd entry (Do I seem serious or what?) I am a Facebook friend! And in true 90's fashion, I'm jamming out to my 1990's music station on TV w/ "Get Ready for This" by 2 Unlimited! woohoo!
~Cassie (
I already have the first 2 seasons of Pete and Pete on DVD (waiting for them to ever release the 3rd, grrrr) and the Chicken Soup book...
I'm excited about the pack of Nerds and The Babysitters Club book (I don't think I've read that one!)
Not so much excited about the Disney Magic Eye book - I could NEVER see the images in those books/pictures =(
1. I'm a teacher, and the Lisa Frank stickers would most definitely make grading papers more bearable.
2. Longtime follower.
3. Longtime facebook fan!
I <3 the 90's
Pete & Pete! Where have you found such a dvd?
I'm definitely most excited about Pete and Pete. God, I do miss the nineties.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
i follow your blog
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
They're all great, but I'd most love to have the first season of Pete & Pete!
And I'm already a follower!
I've finally subscribed to the blog, and am planning once I get the chance to became a friend on facebook. The item I am most excited about is the BSC book because I grew up on the series and still love it today.
Pete & Pete, hands down.
I would be so incredibly excited about the Pete and Pete DVD! Or the Lisa Frank stickers! (I still have most of my Lisa Frank collection! I was too stingy to ever put stickers on I saved them...all...)
I also follow this blog!
And I'm a fan on Facebook!
I've been a fan for a long time... also been a subscriber to this blog a while as well
I like the Magic Grow Capsules, been looking to buy those somewhere for a long time.
I have blogged about this as well
I'd be a Facebook fan but don't see a link to the fan page
I would be most excited about BSC SS #11: The Baby-Sitters Remember! I have always wanted to snark that book in particular on Livejournal.
Since I'm such a big BSC fan, ordinarily I would be most excited about the BSC book, but I think I already have a copy or two of this particular one. So I gotta say that I'm most excited about the rainbow Nerds!
I'm also a fan on Facebook!
I read your blog everyday, but don't have a account, but it becomes a staple in my every day routine now.. I would be totally awesome to receive my favorite thing as a 90s child, lisa frank all the way! Way stoked for that.
PS- off to become a facebook follower.
I've recently joined facebook as well.(and sent invites to all my school friends one who joined as well.)
I'm most excited about the Goosebumps: My Hairiest Adventure book. When I was a kid, growing up in the 90's, the Goosebumps series was a favorite of mine. I am also a follower on Facebook, Blogger, and Twitter. Plus I tweeted
Awesome giveaway, very exciting! I would love the Lisa Frank stickers.
I am already a follower of your blog.
I am also a facebook fan. I hope I win!
What a fun giveaway!
Hope you having a lovely Sunday, cheers: Evi
I learned to read by reading about the BSC! So super special 11...sign me up!
and I am a follower!
THE ADVENTURES OF PETE AND PETE SEASON 1 on DVD is my favorite thing but the nerds is next on my list.
I am the most excited about Goosebumps ("My Hairiest Adventure"). When I first came upon Goosebumps in 1st grade they were all the rage. Wanting to fit in like a good child, I requested that my mother read a Goosebumps book aloud to me. I was absolutely horrified by the green slime. Eventually, I learned to get through the absolute terror of the countless books R.L. Stine produced and be a productive, happy child of the 90's.
oh I was a child of the ninety's! Disney Magic Eye.. I remember those!
Oh my goodness! Best giveaway EVER! It's hard for me to pick out my favorite. I love the Nerds and the Lisa Frank stickers (I used to be apart of the Lisa Frank fan club thing). And the Help I'm Trapped in my Teachers Body book also excites me. But, the Season of Pete and Pete truly is the piece de resistance. If I win, I'm having a Pete and Pete party and my house!
I've been a long time follower!!!
I would be incredibly excited about the Pete & Pete DVD, but I'd also be psyched about the Lisa Frank stickers. Blingin' my trapper-keeper old school, ya know?
Love your blog:)
Ooh, I want! Off to Facebook fan you now. :)
100th comment!
Found the blog last week, and read through the archives all week/weekend long. Viva la 90's.
While I may have to give the Goosebumps book to my GB-obsessed cousin, I definitely would love this package! Especially, as most people are posting, the Pete&Pete DVD! I miss the surreal children's programming of old school Nickelodeon so much. P&P was smart, funny, and just this side of too odd to follow.
I would love to win the DVD of Pete & Pete, because well, Pete & Pete sums up my childhood. I'm a fan on facebook & I subscribed.
I would like the magic grow capsules.
I also tweet
I think that i'd be most excited to win pete and pete (nick "rewind" is amazing)---or magic eye, i can't honestly decide. I also follow your blog and am a fan on facebook!!
I'd be most excited about Goosebumps, as that series was the Harry Potter of its time. I need to add one of its novels to my book collection, so I can show my kids one day.
Also- I believe I have a digital camera that I'm not using anymore- just a regular style, nothing too crazy but it would do the trick. Let me know if you'd want it.
P.S. That's not for bribery, but just to help a fellow blogger out.
This is seriously the best giveaway possible. I love taking trips down memory lane and I think my favorite is the Trapped in a Teacher's Body book. Too funny. :-)
I'm most excited about the Magic Eye book.
Just linked you in my blog:
oh, gosh, I don't know if I'd be able to choose between BSC or Pete and Pete. I'd also say Magic Eye, just because it's Disney, but I always hated anything to do with the Magic Eye things. I'm also following you, am a fan on facebook, and retweeted your post about the giveaway on twitter.
I can't believe I just stumbled on this site. I used to have that Todd Strasser (Help I'm trapped in my teacher's body) and, while my fabulous books are now long gone and my family gives me odd books for my huge 90s nostalgia, I'd LOVE to check it out again.
There don't seem to be many second hand shops that sell the awesome 90s books of my childhood in my part of Australia - or if they do, Australian kids must be much more likely to want to chew books.
For your 1000 follower celebration, I'd love to see separate items!
I'm now following you on Twitter - twotothevalley.
MAGIC EYE!!! yes! I remember it was 4th grade. that blog entry about the magic eye was so true. I stared til my eyes watered and my 9 year old head ached. How frustrating! I'm still trying to conquer those Magic Eye books but haven't come across one in years. I'm also already following you on twitter. i came across your site when I was looking for 90's food items like lunchables, my elementary school-aged self held those lunches in such high prestige that I am still looking longingly at those overpriced packages everytime I go to the grocery store. Just became a facebook fan and re-tweeted this post @paristokio. :)
Fun giveaway!! I can't lie, I'm most excited about the Babysitter's Club book, I was obsessed with the Babysitter's Club. Haha. And, of course I'm a follower! :)
Mine's a tie between the Pete and Pete and the " Help I'm Trapped in My Teachers Body!" because I had completely forgotton about that book!!!
I'd also say the Lisa Frank stickers, but mine are still in perfect condition, seeing how I was an OCD child and never could use my vast collection then. :)
Im torn between saying Pete and Pete or the magic eye. i dont think i can choose. but both are mega awesome
And course i am in ur facebook group
Enter me! Yay Lisa Frank!!!! (-:
PS - I'm a follower
Lisa Frank for sure!! I still have my sticker book where you put all of the stickers you have collected, and it is still in shape!
I would love the Pete & Pete DVD set!
PETE & PETE!!! Although those Lisa Frank stickers are pretty tempting as well. =P
I tweeted
i was going to say Goosebumps: My Hairiest Adventure then I saw rainbow nerds! I cant stop thinking about them now! Going to have to go & search for some!! :D
I think I would be most excited to win the Goosebumps book.
Goosebumps were my favorite series in grade school... would always ask my grandma for $ whenever the Scholastic book fair would come to school... I will give this book to my 7 year old niece, who just LOVES to read :)
What an awesome giveaway! I just came across this blog from a friend's shared post on google reader!
I am now a follower on blogger! :)
I would be massively excited to re-own BSC Super Special #11. I was the girl with every BSC book that would never dream of lending her prized faves to her buddies, lest they LOSE IT or spill their SLURPEE ON IT. Yes this happened and I was scarred and it's not like I didn't already have only child sharing issues.
Anyway, having Pete & Pete would be great too. I would love to watch all the greats back to back to back.
2 entries for me: this comment, and I'm a longtime blogger follower. GREAT giveaway!
I just tweeted @emilyp183
Facebook - Check
Twitter - Check (@paeza)
Follower - Check
The Pete & Pete dvd would be awesome. The mom has a metal plate in her head - what's not to love??
I'd be most excited to win the Disney Magic Eye book. I hadn't thought of half of these things in years until I found your blog.
I remember all the other kids getting magic eye books in the scholastic book order, but I never bothered because I could never seen any of the pictures in those books. I tried one or two times with a friend's book or the ones on display in front of Waldenbooks, but I was impatient and it never worked. I'm also somewhat convinced they were fakes.
Maybe now that I'm 23, I'll have the patience to read the instructions and just try a little harder and actually see those darn images. It might work out better than the time I got a book on how to be Supernintendo games where all the illustrations were magic eye pictures. Now there's a book I'll never find again.
I'm a child of the 90's from India who was exposed to all these amazing things and am equally excited to see this mega hamper of my pre-teen memories! I remember my first pack of Lisa Frank stickers, a gift from my grandparents from their trip to the USA. They were holographic, called the sparkle stickers. My sibling got the scented ones and ofcourse that was followed by a major brawl,cries of "unfair!" and finally the all-pacifying swapping of stickers until we had a decent stash of both. I still have some left over though its been almost 9 years. The gumball machine, the dogs and kittens, the humming birds and ofcourse the panda were most judiciously used.Thanks to an amazing set of parents and the coolest school library I had access to the same paperbacks that children growing up in USA would and I was an R.L.Stine and Nickelodeon addict for as long as I can remember! Sadly, the same cannot be said for candy and confectionery, I used to see sour nerd advertisements in comics like the Beano and Archies but never got the chance to taste I'm happy to say that I have a little box of watermelon and punch nerds on my table. Aah! The joy of rejoicing in a blessed, even if a slightly delayed childhood.
Thanks for sharing a really very nice article
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