Sunday, May 24, 2009

Then and Now: Will Smith

Will Smith, then:

Will Smith, now:

Aside from the earrings, that first picture could have been taken yesterday for all I know.

What's that you say? It was taken 20 years ago? Well in that case, I'll have what he's having.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Would You Rather: 90s Edition

As children, we were constantly yearning for independence from our parents. Sure, they fed us, clothed us, and put a roof over our head, but what did they really ever do for us? Movies featuring kids on their own became a sort of illicit fantasy of autonomy, a state of unlikely non-supervision to which we could eventually aspire.

So, the question is,

Would you rather:

Experience the zany madcap robber-evading adventures of Kevin McCallister in Home Alone


Enjoy weeks of non-stop childlike debauchery in a remote setting while assembling an elaborate parent-fooling scheme a la Camp Nowhere?

Explain your reasoning.
Children of the Nineties is on vacation! For the time being, enjoy the notably briefer scheduled posts in lieu of the usual lengthy 90s diatribes.

In case you were wondering, CotN is currently at Sea World...

...doing extensive research to bring you the highest quality future post on Free Willy.

Happy long weekend, everyone!

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