Sunday, May 24, 2009

Then and Now: Spice Girls

Although these ladies certainly warrant their own at-length post, I couldn't resist these then and now photos. I understand that the Spice Girls were marketed as characters rather than people, but their brand of supposed girl empowerment certainly led to some unfortunate costuming.

Spice Girls, then:

Spice Girls, now(ish):

I'm glad to see they at least kept the big shoes.


the girl in stiletto said...

i used to love spice girls like crazy, believe it or not! i used to adore posh spice, i thought she was fantastic. until she had too much "surgical interventions" and went for the extreme dieting, i disrespect her, in that sense.

oh i LOVE mel b's shoes in the 2nd photo :D

Mr. Condescending said...

i used to wanna bang em all! now not so much.

Amber said...

I was obsessed with the Spice Girls. I always wanted to be Sporty but always had to be Ginger because of my red hair.

They look crazy different hey, and today they look even more different than that! Weird too think of how famous they were and now they are barely heard of!

Alyssa said...

i have some very classy photos oh myself and a friend dressing up as the spice girls... our impersonation of Mel B was to wear table cloths as skirts and curl our hair... damn we were hot hahaha

floreta said...

i was a closet fan

Andhari said...

I love Spice Girls with every fiber of my being although I'm way too old right now to start spotting these looks. Hahaha.

Me and my gang used to impersonate them all the time, I was Baby of course. We had our own Wanna Be dance routines.

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

OMG! I used to idolize the Spice Girls way back then. I even polished up on my British Accent. I had 2 pairs of Spice Girl shoes... Oh gosh...those were the days.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Look at Posh! And Ginger... she just looks like, hey, I'm a Soccer Mom. Spice Girl? What? :) Love it!

Tell me what you want, what you really really want!

Yet said...

Hey...they look better now in my opinion!!

Awesome Sara said...

i think they look awesome now!

WendyB said...

Aw, I enjoyed their costumes back in the day.

Optimistic Pessimist said...

Gotta hand it to these ladies, they still look great.

Anonymous said...

Posh is sooo hot now!!!

Unknown said...

i like baby and posh spice

Anonymous said...

spice girls was the shit back then. Scary spice was my favorite.

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